Competition Announcement (Short Film Festival) year 2024
Call for entry (Short Film Festival) year 2023
Download Call For Entry PDF – Download Entry Form PDF
REGULATION YEAR 2024 – 13th edition
The Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse“, under the high sponsorship of European Parliament, the sponsorship of Regione Lazio and Mic Direzione Cinema, announces the 13th edition of Visioni Corte International Short Film Festival, that will be hold from 5th to 12th October 2024 in the prestigious location of Ariston Theatre in Gaeta (LT). The official days of the Festival, which will last eight days, could vary a little bit and will be published definitively after the deadline of the contest, in June 10th, 2024, along with the program, on our website www.visionicorte.it
Our mission is to spread the talent of young emerging directors in the panorama of Italian, European and international cinema, pursuing the aim of merging culture, territory and tourism, with a particular interest for innovations in the field of cinema, also supported by new technological languages.
1.1 Competitive Categories
Everybody can take part to the competition in one of the 5 (five) categories of the Festival. We want to offer to the independent professionals and not only, regardless of the budget, the opportunity to be engaged in a homogeneous competition, supporting the debate and dialogue between different culture, and which allows also the Technical Jury to provide more easily a fairer judgment of the works. The categories will be:
- Sguardi dal Mondo: it’s about any topic and genre. Ranging from drama to comedy, thriller, musical, etc. Starting this edition, documentaries are also included in this section. The stories can be invented or adapted or inspired by true events. Maximum length 30 min, excluding credits. Only for foreign films.
- Gemme Italiane: it’s about any topic and genre. Ranging from drama to comedy, thriller, etc. Starting this edition, documentaries are also included in this section. The stories can be invented or adapted or inspired by true events. Maximum length 30 min, excluding credits. Only for Italian films.
- Animando: aimed to any story of animation of any genre and realized in any technical way, also stop-motion. The topic is free. Maximum length 15 min, excluding credits.
- Kiddos – kids of the world: aimed at any theme and genre whose protagonists are only children or adolescents, Italian and foreign films; Maximum length 30 min, excluding credits.
- Germogli di Cinema: aimed at first works, i.e. debut films, on any theme and only aimed to fiction films. They range from drama to comedy, thriller, etc. Stories can be invented or adapted or inspired by real events. Maximum length 20 min, excluding credits
- OPERAPRIMA special section, dedicated to feature films. Films with a maximum running time of 90 minutes will be accepted, excluding credits. It is dedicated only to Italian films, which must necessarily be the director’s debut work. Theme and genre are free. The OperaPrima section is a separate competition that will take place within the festival and for which there will be a single category award to the film considered most deserving by a special technical jury of experts in film industry.
1.2 There will be 12 (twelve) special awards regarding all the films of CortoFiction (Italy and International):
- Best Screenplay
- Best Cinematography
- Best Director
- Best Actor in a lead role Italian section
- Best Actress in a lead role Italian section
- Best Actor in a lead role International section
- Best Actress in a lead role International section
- Best Editing
- Best Original Soundtrack (involves also CortoAnimation category)
- People’s Choice Award (one in all the categories of the contest). It will be decided by the sum of the votes of the schedules delivered to a group of people in the audience, which will be called Audience jury, who will always be the same and will watch all the films of the contest.
- FEDIC Award – Italian Cinema Clubs Federation: is a special award thanks the partnership with this Federation. The most voted movie among all the cinema clubs belonging to Fedic will be awarded; it is reserved only for Germogli di Cinema section.
1.3 Pre-selection
All works submitted will be preselected by the Artistic Direction flanked by a special examining committee. Exceeding the pre-selection the participants will be admitted to the evenings of screenings. Filling out the entry form, participants must indicate which category they intend to enter their short films. The Selection Committee can change any sides in a different category, in order to ensure homogeneity within them. Participants can stay informed about the selection of short films by visiting www.visionicorte.it where, as soon as possible, the program of the event will be published. The Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” reserves the right to to screen one or more works at its discretion by including them in the special ‘non-competitive’ section Meridiani (focus each year on a different country) which will therefore not compete for prizes but will be included in the Festival Official Selection.
1.4 Methods of selection of short films
The final selection of the films is made by the Festival’s Artistic Director and her decisions are irrevocable; she will choose an adequate number of short films for each of the category in the competition.
1.5 Juries
There will be different technical juries, each one specialised for the category of the competition to which it is assigned, all made up of experts in film industry, such as directors, film critics, screenwriters, producers, actors, artistic directors and professionals in the audio-visual sector, who will choose 1 (one) only winning work for each section. During the Award Ceremony all juries will express the reasons which led to award the winner and they will be read in public. The decisions expressed by the jury are definitive and irrevocable. The juries also reserve the right to assign any special or ex-aequo mentions.
The Technical Juries will award just one short movie for each category in the competition. The prize is a special handmade award and, starting from the current edition, possibly also a cash prize (the amount of which will be determined shortly before the Festival dates, based on the annual budget of the event) or in products granted through sponsors.
Please note that potential cash prizes will be validated during the Award Ceremony compulsorily only with the presence of at least one (1) representative person of the winning short movie for each competitive category. These prizes will be sent by bank transfer within 90 days of the end of the event, upon receipt of the beneficiary’s bank details.
The special awards, always decided by the technical juries, will consist of a plexiglass plate.
The Artistic Direction, as its discretion, reserves the right to give a special award to the most original idea of any short film in competition and she also reserves the right to cancel, vary or supplement awards and mentions.
In addition, thanks to the partnership with iPitchTv, all finalists and winners will have the opportunity to spread their film on the iPitchTv American platform with a gift: a free 3-month coupon valid for the finalists, 1 year for the winners, to upload their own movie on the platform and make it known to the professionals of international cinema and tv industry.
If the winners were not able to attend to the award ceremony, we invite them to find a person delegated to take it because the award (the statue or the glass plate) will be not sent, except rare exceptional cases and only by charged to the recipient.
3.1 How to participate
Participation in the competition is under a registration fee. There are 2 kinds of fee:
Regular fee: 15,00 euro from April 1st to 31st May 2024
Last fee: 20,00 euro from 1st to 10h June 2024.
For OPERAPRIMA feature films the entry fee is € 30,00 until 10th June 2024.
The submission fee must be paid choosing between:
- PayPal account info@ilsognodiulisse.it
- by Bank Transfer to: Associazione Culturale “Il Sogno di Ulisse” IBAN IT 82 L 05296 74030 CC0160010883. Please, write in the reason for payment “Visioni Corte Film Festival 2023 submission fee”.
- People who send all the material via paper mail must send us also the copy of charge slip.
For those who will subscribe the film using online platforms, the payment of the submission fee will be automatically made via the chosen platform.
SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR film distribution companies: if you are a distribution company, we apply a special discount of 60% for each short movie;
For any previews (i.e. short movies reserved only for our festival), registration will be free of charge, after notification by email to receive the special code to apply on the platforms. Simply write to segreteria@visionicorte.it;
For OperaPrima section submitted by distribution agencies we apply a special discount of 20% for each feature film.
- To take part in the competition all those concerned should send all the necessary material (see 3.5) to the address specified in section 3.6;
- Each author is responsible for the content of their work (see also 3.9);
- Each author may submit more than 1 short movie, indicating the category which he intends to enter the competition, but just one (1) single work will be chosen;
- Participants will be responsible for delivery charges of all necessary materials, which in any case will not be returned;
- Each participant must be sure that he has complied with every request made by the Regulation, under penalty of exclusion;
- Participation in the competition provides for the acceptance of these rules.
3.2 Works admitted to the competition
Works made in Italy or abroad since June 1st, 2023 can participate in the selection. Foreign works, in order to be admitted, must be imperatively subtitled in Italian or provided of dialogue list in English, Spanish or French language.
3.3 Required support
Works, in any way they have been taken and/or carried out, must be submitted for the contest in digital format and in high resolution (suitable for the screen of 10 meters) as file in mp4, avi, h264 format to upload on one of the following platforms: clickforfestivals.com, filmfreeway.com, festhome.com and shortfilmdepot.com. Anyway, the signed entry form must be sent to our email address submission@visionicorte.it, specifying the title of the short movie only for those who does not use the online platform.
For films submitted through the aforementioned platforms, the entry form it is not necessary because, using them, it will be considered valid the implicit consent provided in the aforementioned entry form in all its parts.
3.4 Duration
All short films can’t be longer than time limit of 30 minutes (except closing credits).
3.5 Required Materials (for short and feature films)
To be admitted to the pre-selection you need imperatively:
- 1 file format: preferring Mp4, otherwise h264 or Avi;
- The file must be imperatively in 24fps or 25fps;
- 1 entry form (you can download it from visionicorte.it), entirely completed in block capitals or using pc, signed and sent by email (only for who does not use the online platform. Those who participate via online platforms give tacit consent to the disclaimers);
- The file of the movie can’t be more than 4 Gigabytes for short films; 10 Gigabytes for feature films;
- For foreign films: English or Spanish or French dialogue list in file .srt and word with the precise timing of each lines;
- at least 4 representative photo of the short film for our paper catalogue (in jpeg or tiff format, no printed one), 2 in horizontal level A4 and 3 in vertical level (at least 300 dpi, 30×22 cm) which must be sent to the e-mail address submission@visionicorte.it, using any clouds providers. (Please note that if the photos sent are not suitable for the format of our printed catalogue, they will be created by the secretariat via frames directly from the film).
- A director’s pic and a short biography;
- A summary of the short movie;
- All technical data;
- The trailer without subtitles (if available);
- The poster (If available);
- A valid and operating email address that will be used by the festival secretariat for any kind of communication to directors/producers/distributors.
The lack of one of the items of the list will not allow the access to pre-selection.
All this information will be used for the Festival’s printed and digital catalogue and for any other publications related to the Festival itself.
N.B. For the aforementioned photographs of the short movies, publication is considered authorized and for free, both for the catalogue and for press promotional purposes.
3.6 Deadline to send materials
All material must be strictly send no later than June 10th, 2024.
Those who choose to enroll their movie using one of the online platforms listed in Section 3.3 will have to upload their work by the extended deadline of June 10th, 2024.
Those who choose to enroll their movie using the traditional postal service must send the movie no later than on June 10th, 2023. (as confirmed by the postmark) to the following address:
Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” – VISIONI CORTE International Short Film Festival
c/o Gisella Calabrese – Via Luigi Cadorna 147-04026 Minturno (LT)
- Those who submit the movie online must not send back their work via postal service or express courier.
3.7 Communications to the finalists
All finalists admitted to the competition will be notified by email at the address provided during the submission for the selections; furthermore, the list of finalists will be viewable at the same time on our website www.visionicorte.it and on our Facebook page. No email communication will be given to works excluded from the competition.
3.8 Safeguard
The Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” is not responsible for damaged packages and / or received in late, or of any theft or loss. Each author is personally responsible for the content of their work.
3.9 Patent right
The participation of a short film in this competition imply that the Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” has the free rights of the work (non-exclusive), for purposes related to the event, subject to authorization by the appropriate space on the entry form or by tacit consent for the submissions on the online platform. The organization will have all the rights of use, with no time limit, of duplication and distribution of the products received, which will still be used only for cultural activities, promotion activities of the Festival and for reporting to other film festivals, all non-profit making. The copies of the sent short movies will not be returned, but will be collected in a special archive of the audiovisual section of the Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse”.
3.10 Copyright
The Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” refuses all responsibility due to the reproduction of short films containing material covered by copyright for which the participants have not regularized the situation with the SIAE.
3.11 Privacy Policy
All personal information collected by the Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” will be treated in compliance with Legislative Decree 196 of 30 June 2003 on the privacy policy.
3.12 Returning
In controversial cases and for all matters not expressly provided in this announcement the final judgment is up to the Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse” otherwise the Court of Cassino (FR) will be competent and the Italian version of this regulation will prevail.
For further information visit our website: www.visionicorte.it
Or send an e-mail to: info@visionicorte.it
If you have further questions, please contact:
Dott.ssa Gisella Calabrese: + 39 347 4615 269
Dott. Giuseppe Mallozzi: + 39 340 2753 738
Facebook: facebook.com / VisioniCorte
Twitter: @VisioniCorte
Instagram: @visionicorte
Cultural Association “Il Sogno di Ulisse”
VISIONI CORTE International Short Film Festival
c / o Gisella Calabrese – Via Luigi Cadorna 147-04026 Minturno (LT)